Together with its employees, as Emar Satış Sonrası Müşteri Hizmetleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş, we commit with the support of our senior management to:
■ Apply the legal legislation in force in our country by fulfilling our legal responsibilities regarding protection of the environment and nature.
■ Participate and support the activities of official and private organizations related to the environment,
■ Earn people from every profession and every section of the society an environmentalist approach regarding their own business,
■ Select the product we serve among environment friendly ones,
■ Earning shareholders talents and habits related to effective participation in solution of environmental problems by enabling them to learn the ecological environmental systems they live in, and understand their place within the system.
■ With the awareness that we have borrowed the environment we live in from our children, to accept environment friendly constant development and improvement in planning and implementation of all our processes as a social mission,
■ To minimize the factors that can cause environmental pollution, and apply waste reducing recycling techniques in order to use resources smartly and economically,
and ensure continuation of the environmental quality within Total Quality Management by being completely open to public about what we have done and will do.